The AI Summit New York

AI Hackathon

What is the AI Summit Hackathon?

Up-and-coming data scientists, problem-solvers, and developers must roll up their sleeves and put AI to work. Showcasing quick thinking and demonstrating the growing scope of AI solutions.

20 teams will compete with the winners receiving priority consideration for our partners' recruitment programs (as well as a trophy and some extreme bragging rights).

Spectator seats are available so you can just watch the competition unfold too!

hackathon group

Who is the AI Hackathon for?

  • Any current US university student – undergraduate, master, or PhD – interested in or looking to learn more about AI and data science.
  • Recent graduates (class of 2021-2023) or those in their first couple of years of work.
  • Available Dec 6-7.
  • You can apply as an individual or as a pre-existing team (max team size is four).
  • nb. Each team member will be required to bring a laptop with them.

Applications for 2023 are now closed.

Judges, Mentors & Workshop speakers



Ben Dias

“Hackathons are a great way to engage with a diverse group of very capable candidates who won’t generally apply directly to job advertisements. The AI Summit Hackathon was a great example of this, and it was great to have the opportunity to engage with the diverse group of participants.”

– Ben Dias, Data Science and Analytics Director, easyJet

How does it work?


Register as a team or flag that you’re looking for a team – participation is free.


Join pre-event masterclasses and mixers to prepare and develop your skillsets (starting mid November).


Attend The AI Summit New York, Wednesday, December 6 for a full-day hack. 


Return Thursday, December 7 for feedback and mentoring - and maybe to be crowned the winner!

Workshops for Hackathon Participants

Reverse Engineering AI

December 7, 10:00-11:00

Deconstruct the top A.I. applications and their architectures.

Learn about the fundamental AI building blocks and how they fit together to power the tools you use and love. With an understanding of what makes A.I. work, you'll be equipped with the blueprint to build your own world-class A.I. applications!

Workshop Instructor: Mark Dembo is a Solutions Architect for Serverless and Devops at Cloudflare. Prior to joining, he established and led the DevOps, Solutions Engineering & Developer Platform teams at e-bot7, a leading conversational AI platform (acquired by Liveperson), as well as founded his own startup. He has a background in fullstack development and focuses on emerging serverless technologies.

Gen-Z and AI: How we’re fighting to regulate AI to benefit all

December 7, 11:30-12:30

Focus on biases in AI, Algorithmic Justice, what regulation looks like, and how to define a more equitable future. 

Workshop Instructor: Meet with four of the team from the New York chapter of Encode Justice - a grassroots, youth-led organization fighting for human rights, privacy, and safety amid the rise of artificial intelligence. Encode Justice NY focuses on topics closely related to New York including Facial Recognition in schools and local CCOP ordinances. 

The AI Hackathon is sponsored by Cloudflare.

CloudFlare Logo ColourScale rapidly and manage costs while delivering innovative generative AI products.

By building on the Cloudflare network, AI companies can develop a cost-effective cloud architecture that scales at the pace they need, with industry-leading edge compute capacity powered by Cloudflare's network. Reduce or eliminate egress costs while ensuring security and reliability!

Our 2023 Sponsors included

Headline Partners


Diamond Sponsors


Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

Associate Sponsors


Media & Strategic Partners