The AI Summit New York

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Amit Arora

Amit Arora

Professor, AI & Applied Risk Analytics, Columbia University
United States
Amit Arora is an accomplished artificial intelligence product management executive with over 20 years of experience. Amit won AI Summit's AIConics 'AI Innovator of the year' award for 2022, from a pool of over a 100 leading AI executives from around the world. Amit has spent decades pioneering leading-edge AI solutions leveraging natural language processing, computer vision, and generative models to predict & measure insurance risk in quantifiable terms & has done substantial research towards some of the better known transformer models that exist today. Also, as an award-winning Columbia University professor, Amit imparts his AI acumen to the next generation of professionals. He conducts research focused on reducing the computational costs of large language models, collaborating with top universities. Amit has established AI Centers of Excellence for Fortune 500 employers, created AI governance frameworks and pre-trained machine learning models to accelerate solutions for healthcare and insurance clients. A prolific inventor, Amit has been granted multiple US & EU patents on applying AI across industries, with several more underway. He is frequently invited to share his subject matter expertise with mainstream media like CBS News, Reuters, and also at leading global AI conferences.

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